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Current Projects

These projects need your help.


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Get Involved

Become a Dog Citizen Scientist.


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Dog Science News

Discover the latest dog science news.


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[title style=”center” text=”Welcome to the Dog Science Group.” tag_name=”h2″]

We are an informal bunch of like-minded enthusiasts keen to learn more about the dogs we love. The aim of this website is to put dog people together with professional scientists conducting studies to improve our understanding of the health and behaviour of modern, 21st Century dogs.

If you would like to join in, and become one of a growing community of Citizen Dog Scientists, take a look at the list of current projects to see if there are any you would like to help with. You can sign up to receive further information about the studies going on, right now, and to be the first to hear about new projects as they are launched. Don’t worry if you don’t live with a dog at the moment as some studies are open to all dog lovers and not just those who are current owners.

Together, we can help all dogs, and the people they hang out with, to enjoy happier, healthier lives. It would be great to have you on board.

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[title style=”center” text=”Dog Science News” tag_name=”h2″]

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This website was set up by vet, Dr Mark Evans

Anxiety is SO common in 21st Century dogs. Please get involved if you can and RT this to spread the word to other dog lovers. Thanks https://t.co/5uiVpsG9p3

— Dr Mark Evans (@MarkEvansTV) January 24, 2018

and dog behaviour scientist, Dr Emily Blackwell

Canine scientists looking for dog owners to help with your research? Register your project with dog science group https://t.co/lKjT25cqQz pic.twitter.com/wdsjlyDZnZ

— Emily Blackwell (@DrEmilyB) December 18, 2017

following the success of two Dog Citizen Science studies they conducted in 2013 and 2014 – one in to the behaviour of dogs left home alone and the other into dog play. Both were part of a television series called Dogs: Their Secret Lives broadcast by Channel 4 in the UK. In all around 20,000 dog owners completed online surveys and almost all said they would like to help with other studies.

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You can sign up

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